Use the links below to apply for ROARS membership, pay your club dues online, or to make donations to ROARS (greatly appreciated)!   

To Join ROARS: We use HamClubOnline to take applications and membership payments.  You must first create an account with HamClubOnlineAfter logging in and getting to your home page, under the HamClubOnline Options click the Apply for Membership with a HamClubOnline Club. Now enter our club call sign N6ROR and follow the prompts.

To Renew your ROARS membership go to HamClubOnline and the ROARS account. On the left column of menu items (desktop monitor view) you'll see an option for Make a Payment.

Donations help the club sustain and grow are always welcome.  There is a donation button at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions or issues, email our treasurer at

If you have family members to include with your paid membership, email John German with their information.

Go to HamClubOnline and create an account (FREE).