Skywarn is an organization open to all hams (including you) to assist the National Weather Service (NWS). Skywarn® is a proactive spotter network. During severe weather outbreaks, the NWS notifies and activates Skywarn® and spotters in target areas. Skywarn® spotters are then asked to relay observances from locations near potential trouble spots. Volunteer ham radio operators staff a station at the weather service office, receive weather information from ham radio operators throughout the region, and forward them to the NWS forecasters.
You can also report weather issues by email or on the web.
To join this family you must study and pass an online test on how to understand and report weather conditions, then you will be assigned a Skywarn Spotter identification number. Once you are a certified spotter, you would join the local Skywarn net on the ECRA repeater (Palomar Mtn.) at 147.030 (Pl 103.5) on Tuesday nights at 7 PM, or when Skywarn is activated for severe weather. There is more you can do, but this this is the big step.
[Skywarn in not currently active in San Diego!]
For ROARS members, using Skywarn is the best way to help the community and yourself during Severe Storm conditions. For more information about Skywarn go to this National Weather Service link or this Southwest California Skywarn link. To begin Skywarn training and testing, Click Here!
UCSD and Scripps Oceanography have teamed to install a system of high performance 360 degree webcams on most of the mountain peaks in the area to aid in weather and fire spotting. They are an amazing asset to see fires, smoke, weather and much more in your area, 24/7.
CLICK HERE for the full library of webcams, then pick the ones of interest to you. A great tool for Skywarn activities and personal safety.