Helpful Ham Sites
Informational - Reference
All About Circuits - A web site with a wide range of tools to help you design circuits, find parts, crowd source information, and more.
Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), San Diego. The best organization in the country for organizing Ham radio emergency communications.
Amateur Radio Repeater guide. Nearby repeaters are available for free. A bigger footprint needs money.
ARRL – The Mother of ham radio - our national association.
ARRL - My ARRL voice - a web site for ARRL members to discuss ARRL management policies. What's up with ARRL? Click here.
Auxiliary Communication Support (ACS), San Diego - A volunteer organization that - in emergencies - staffs a Ham radio communications station at the sheriff's HQ on Kearny Mesa.
Azimuthal Map something you need?
BandConditions - a nice simple graphic on the current propagation quality of most HF bands.
CHIRP - Free software to program most handi-talkies from your computer. Really helpful for the Chinese radios. You must buy the correct cable for your radio.
DX Zone - The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio (Ham Radio), currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories.
eHam - a sounding board for many ham topics, but is the go-to place for classifieds and product reviews.
Ham classes and testing in the San Diego area.
Ham Nation - a show and library of videos on all things Ham.
K0BG - This web site is an encyclopedia of information about all things for mobile amateur radio. A fun read.
KSARRL. This Kansas Amateur Radio web site has over 500 links to other Ham Radio things. The mother of all web links.
Maker Pro - An interesting collaboration site that has many home projects you can build. Most are centered around small processor engines.
QTH - A web hosting site you may be interested in, but the list of ham companies using their hosting is an impressive list in itself. Check it out.
QRZ - your one-stop shop to find out who the ham is your are talking with, and their location. Just search for their call sign.
RF Exposure Calculator - An on-screen calculator using the most recent ARRL rules.
ROARS Facebook site. No better way to post stories and photos, ask questions, etc.
ROARS Google Group. Join up and message within the ROARS community anytime. [Currently inactive. Use our Facebook site.]
Skywarn - An all volunteer organization that supports the National Weather Service Forecast Office in San Diego
The Doctor Is In. Visit many tips for Hams from this regular section of QST magazine.
WIN System - perhaps the finest system of linked UHF repeaters in the country, and it starts in our back yard.